5 Amazing Facts About Cats

Our feline friends are one of the most popular pets in the world, but there’s a lot about them that’s still unknown. With the help of animal experts, we’ve rounded up some of the most incredible cat facts you might not know! Check them out below, and then get ready to fall in love with your furry friend all over again. There are many misconceptions about cats. For one, cats are often considered to be lazy and passive animals. However, this is not always the case. Cats are actually very active creatures that can climb trees and play fetch as well as mark their territory. Cats also have strong hunting instincts and can catch prey very efficiently.


They can hear in the dark

Cats are nocturnal crepuscular animals that become active around dusk and dawn.

They have better night vision than humans because their eyes contain more rod cells than cones.

In addition, they have a structure behind the retina called the tapetum lucidum that reflects light to their photoreceptors and helps them see in low-light situations.

They can smell the dark

Cats have a sophisticated sense of smell. They have a special organ called Jacobson’s organ that allows them to detect certain chemical substances, even when they don’t have a noticeable odor.

This is particularly useful in detecting rodents, as mice are most active during the night. They also use their whiskers to spot slight movements and vibrations around them, which helps them to navigate in the dark.

They can smell the rain

In order to mark their territory, cats use glands on their faces and paws to release pheromones. These odors can be detected even in a damp, rainy climate.

However, it is not a good idea for cats to stay in the rain. It could lead to them becoming lost and confused.

They can smell the snow

One of the best parts of snowfall is that it can purify the air. However, the same philosophy can also give your kitty a head start when it comes to sniffing around for tasty treats.

What’s more, a cat’s sense of smell is highly sophisticated, with the ability to spot a needle in a haystack from a mile away. The question is whether your kitty will be able to get home in the end.


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