Want perfect exposure for your films. But how?

You might have often heard about fine-tuning your camera settings and engaging with the light to create a nice exposure… But, what is good exposure? This is a common issue for beginner photographers, and the truth is that there is no final solution!

Photography, like other arts, is essentially subjective, with the only ideal exposure being the one that provides the impression that best matches your vision of a picture.

There will be situations where your exposure will be incorrect. It’s a given for any photographer. Images will appear too bright if too much light hits your sensor. This is known as over-exposure, and it can be seen in bleached-out skies and flat colours.

And, in an underexposed image, not enough light reaches your sensor, resulting in images that are too dark.

So, in the video, you will learn more about perfecting your exposure of the camera to get the perfect film.

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