How to Make Money on YouTube, from a YouTuber

YouTube is an exceptional platform that allows creators from all over the world to not only share their ideas and work with the public but also they can make a living from it.

 So, if you are also thinking the same then you should start your channel, or perhaps you already have one and are wondering how you can make your hobby a steady job and make money out of it? 

Let’s find out together! 

How to make money?

YouTube channels make a profit from their videos and work and if you’re thinking about making YouTube your main source of income, then the first question that comes to mind is where should you start? 

What are the steps to success? Don’t worry, because in this article we’ve got you covered on how you can make money on Youtube.

  • The first thing to do is, of course, start your channel and you can create content about almost anything, you can make short and meaningful cartoons sing or share your lifestyle the options are endless.
  • Your YouTube account is the same as your Google account. Important thing is to choose your username carefully because the more complicated it is the less chance it has for people to remember so that someone saw your video and saying I saw a cool video on that channel gosh don’t remember the name anyway 
  • Now that you finally have a youtube channel it’s time to work on your content and upload it.
  • You have to find your topics and discover your unique style however try not to make your videos too long and always to make sure that your audience won’t get bored if you want them to keep being intrigued by every second.
  • Your videos and their quality will grow with you just watch a couple of similar content videos by popular YouTubers. 
  • After that, try to upgrade your content like, buy a better camera, use better editing software, and so on. 
  • The vital thing is to be consistent in posting videos, if you only post videos once or twice a month your audience can quickly forget about your channel if it’s not some one-of-a-kind content.
  •  So try to keep a pace of at least one video a week this way people will be waiting impatiently for the next week to find out what your new video will be.
  • Don’t forget about tags and keywords make sure everyone interested in the topic can find your videos and this is where it all begins you can monetize your content and make money from your videos.
  • To do that, go to your channel click on the video manager link click on the channel again and choose to enable monetization done from now on YouTube will place ads in your video but don’t forget that to make it all work and make real money you need to have a steady audience that will watch your videos.
  • Don’t be shy to share your videos on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Linked In, Twitter, and many more.
  • There’s one more simple requirement you need to begin monetization from Youtube which is you need at least 4000 hours of watch time and 1000 subscribers to start earning money
  • Don’t forget to set up Google Adsense so you can get your money, you can do it for free at the Adsense website if you’re younger than 18 years old ask your mom and dad to help you.
  •  Adsense will need a PayPal account or valid address to know who you are and who to send the money.
  • Another important thing for any YouTuber or blogger is analytics, it’s your feedback along with the comments to help you learn which topics resonate with your audience and vice-versa.
  •  Every Youtuber checks it regularly so if you’re still building your audience pay attention to those numbers and they can tell you pretty much anything about your viewers and subscribers and give you ideas on how to improve.
  • And, if one of your videos happen to go viral there’s also a way to get your dose of profit from it simply speaking you can license your content in exchange for money now TV, news media outlets, and other creators will have to reach out to you for the rights to use your video.
  • Okay now, let’s say that you have a steady audience and are earning a nice amount of money. So, to step it up a little bit just become a YouTube partner.
  • To become a Youtube partner you’ll need to meet another requirement which is fifteen thousand cumulative watch hours for your channel over the last 90 days.
  • When you achieve that go to the YouTube Partner page and after a couple of clicks you will be access to other great additions to this title and you will have access to more creation tools community. 

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