Ten of the Best Exotic Animals You Can Keep As Pets

Animals are fascinating beings. Don’t get me wrong: cats and dogs make excellent house pets, but some pet owners prefer animals with a bit of a wild side. That’s why Exotic pets are becoming increasingly common as people seek new and different types of pets. Many of these pets may be illegal to own in your area, and they have very strict care and behavior requirements, making ownership difficult. In this video, we will share with you the best exotic pets you Can Actually Own if you’re trying to turn a few heads and melt a few hearts with your newest, unusual animal-friend (As Pets).

 Keep an eye on this space as we count down our Top 10 Exotic Animal Picks. Let’s get started!


A giant long-legged South American mammal that looks like a guinea pig. It is the largest living rodent and lives in groups near water.

Serval Cat

A yellow-brown African wild cat with black spots and markings of medium size: This is a wild cat that is kept as a “designer” domestic pet on occasion.

Fennec Fox

A small pale fox with big pointed ears that is native to North Africa and Arabia’s deserts.

Box Turtles

The lower shell of a land turtle has hinged lobes that can be drawn up tightly to enclose the body. It is a North American and Mexican native that is commonly kept as a pet in the United States.


A breed of cat or rabbit with silver-grey or grey hair.

Sugar Glider

The sugar glider is an omnivorous, arboreal gliding possum of the marsupial infraclass. The common name comes from the fact that it prefers sugary nectarous foods and can float through the air like a flying squirrel.

Kinka Jou

A nocturnal arboreal fruit-eating animal with a prehensile tail and a long tongue that can be found in Central and South American tropical forests.

Crested Gecko

The crested gecko, also known as the eyelash gecko (Correlophus ciliatus), is a gecko species found in southern New Caledonia.

Capuchin Monkey

Capuchin monkeys are named for their “caps” of fur, which mimic the cowls worn by Capuchin monks. They are among the most intelligent of the New World monkeys.

The Hermit Crab

For defense, a crab with a soft asymmetrical abdomen lives in a cast-off mollusk shell. Sponge, sea anemones, and bryozoans cover the shell in a variety of ways.

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